Sorry for the lack of updates fan. Things have been slow over here at the Road and Cross-headquarters in DC. And since I did not go CX natz SOMEONE else was in charge of giving an update…Ehm!
The 09 training has begun. The Director Sportiff and Bunny have been riding a bit and turning in the screws on Sundays at the Bakers ride in Morgantown. I have been running a lot, XC skied a bit while I was in NY for the holidays and began riding this past weekend (10+hours in 3 days aint bad especially on a fixie). MikeY, member at large, I am sure is taking care of him self in between diaper duty. Our newest member Pickleboy AKA Fatboy AKA JR who is still on probation ,well, has had an endless list of excuses as to why he has not been doing too much. But we forgive him. He is new to the Bi-atch Lyfe.
So today I headed out after watching all the Obama action on the tellie. I was hoping to ride for 2-2.5 hours and then head down to the National Mall by 3ish to see and be apart of some of the tail-end action. I headed out and did my “bike racer” ride and then hopped on the Capitol Crescent trail that connects Rockville, MD to Georgetown (Wash,DC). On a normal warm day this trail can be packed with all sorts of folks enjoying themselves. On this cold and nasty day it was pretty empty. Only the hardiest of soul would be out. You know us macho racer types (only saw one other), the most dedicated commuter, the messengers and those that see a bike purely as a utilitarian device because they have too. It was not a kind day to be riding.
As I was making my way down the path excited by the change in the frozen air I began passing swarms of cyclist not dressed in fancy lycra or super cool Pearl Izumi this and that. Many were dressed more for skiing then cycling but the majority were in “street” cloths, way under dressed for the ride home they had before them after a long day on the National Mall. They all looked cold but all had smiles as they like me felt the change in the air. I waved to all with a smiling howdy. Most returned the pleasantry, many seemed surprised by the lycra-clad cyclist being polite and happy, and all were huffing up what can be a bit of tough climb from Georgetown. We were all sharing in the same emotion. The change in the air and the freedom of being on two wheels. Now many of these bikes won’t see the light of day for another few years after today but I am certain many will be out again this spring because it will help people remember this day. A day that saw change on so many levels and people will want to relive that. Relive a time change and time of freedom that they experienced while riding on a cold winter day in January. Smiles a-plentiful!!!
Pretty darn cool indeed!!!
"May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face" and may your wheels always find it safely back to the ground.